6ways to boost immunity in the oral cavity

17 Nov

👋 Dear friends!

🔊 In the context of our #TipOfTheDay series, we’ll discuss an important question: what to do to maintain a healthy oral cavity immune system.

💡It’s crucial to support not only the body’s immunity but also pay attention to the oral cavity, as it’s the first line of defense against microbes, neutralizing them even before they enter our body.

❓❓What should you do to support a healthy oral cavity immune system?

🔷First. Personal hygiene. During the pandemic, personal hygiene has become extremely relevant. Washing hands and face is a must. Brush your teeth twice a day and choose the right toothpaste and toothbrush.

🔷Second. Quit harmful habits. To maintain oral cavity immunity, it’s necessary to give up harmful habits. In addition to smoking and alcohol, you should also avoid habits like putting your fingers in your mouth or biting your nails.

🔷Third. Maintain indoor humidity. Due to a lack of moisture, the mucous membrane of the oral cavity dries out and ceases to perform its protective function.

🔷Fourth. Regulate your diet. Try to consume less fast food and eliminate foods or drinks with high levels of additives.

🔷Fifth. Perform oral cavity sanitation. Plaque and tartar can accumulate on your teeth, which need to be removed in a timely manner. Professional teeth cleaning can help with this.

🔷Sixth. Visit the dentist. Don’t forget to visit the dentist every six months to detect any issues before they progress.

✨ Stomaservice – the heart of your smile.

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